The Code for Angles In Time


// retreive the elements to be manipulated
var results = document.getElementById("degrees");
var hourValue = document.getElementById("hourValue");
var minuteValue = document.getElementById("minuteValue");


function calculate(){

    // validate form values
    if (hourValue.value < 0 || hourValue.value > 23 || minuteValue.value < 0 || minuteValue.value > 59)
            alert("Please enter a valid time.")
    // convert 24 hour to 12 hour time
    if (hourValue.value > 11)
            hourValue.value = hourValue.value - 12;
    // The minute hand moves 6 degrees each minute:  360/60 = 6
    var minuteAngle = minuteValue.value * 6;

    // The hour hand moves 30 degrees each hour: 360/12 = 30
    // The hour hand moves an addtional 6 degrees for
    //     each addtional minute past the hour.
    var hourAngle = (hourValue.value * 30) + (minuteAngle / 12);

    // return the angle between hour and minute hands
    var angle = Math.abs(hourAngle - minuteAngle);

    //return the inside angle
    if (angle > 180)
            angle = 360 - angle;

    SetClockHands(hourAngle, minuteAngle);

    results.innerHTML = angle;

// this method draws the clock hands to the time input in the page.
function SetClockHands(hDeg, mDeg)
    var hourHand = document.getElementById("hourHand");
    var minuteHand = document.getElementById("minHand");  = `rotate(${hDeg + 90}deg)`  = `rotate(${mDeg + 90}deg)`
The code for this application is structured with two main functions.

The first step is to get the necessary elements from the page that contain data or need to be manipulated, and the submit button is set to call the first "calculate()" function.

The "calculate()" function holds the algorythm that calculates the inner angle between the hour and minute hands. It basically converts the minutes and hours into degrees, then takes the angle between 0 or 12 noon and the position of each hand on the clock. It subracts the two to get the angle between the hands, then subtracts 360 degrees if the angle is greater than 180 degrees to get the inside or acute angle.

Finally the "SetClockHands()" method redraws the hands of the clock image to represent the time entered in the form.

Please contact me if you have any questions and/or would like to discuss my skill set and qualifications.